Shake It Up


We work with other community organizations to maximize the impact of our advocacy work.

Our Partners


Our Partners Bring us Closer to Number One

Girls Inc. and Thrive

The Girls Inc. THRIVE program strives to educate and empower young girls to make informed health decisions and to be advocates for women’s rights by providing hands-on, informal education not currently provided. This includes the opportunity to learn women’s history and to interact with local female leaders who inspire THRIVE participants to be advocates of change in their communities.

What transpires during a girl’s teenage years shapes the direction of her life. In partnership with local community organizations, THRIVE is helping bring Tennessee from 49 to One by equipping girls with skill sets that make them more likely to complete higher levels of education, attain better jobs, generate more income, and make an impact on their community. Developing the leadership capacity of girls not only helps them to secure better livelihoods but also creates a generation that will deliver future change. When women and girls thrive, the entire community prospers.


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